Wednesday, January 18, 2012

If it were up to me...

This being the last few days of L&D I do find myself wondering about internship and what I will bring to the table. I am excited but undemanding that my these last few weeks are as important as any other. Complacency is not helpful.

  • Which of these skills do you anticipate you’ll get to display first? 

  • -I feel that my first impression will be to show my eagerness to learn and to contribute and take on any task. My sense of humor will be a a proper asset to me in my opinion 
  • What is one question you have at the front of your mind as you approach internship? (Except for where you will be interning)

  • What will it take for me to get the full time job or contracting position here. No matter the internship I am placed in I will strive to reach my goals and get hired and do the best I simply can.
  • What kind of office environment do you hope to work in?

  • -I hope to be in an environment where I can get plenty opportunities to do work and show my skills. Culture, that is what sticks out most to me with a work and a fun, accepting, more free culture I would thrive in but I know if the opposite is what I am given I will still be comfortable   
  • What kind of manager do you think you will work well under?

  • - A manger who is tough. A person who will give me work hold me accountable but still someone who I can communicate with when needed not only about work but other things going on.
  • What hard and/or soft skills do you hope to develop while at your internship?

  • -Soft skills, I feel like i could work on managing my relationships with people. Hard skills, I want to develop the reputation of reliability.
  • What anxieties (if any) do you have about your internship?

  • -None.
  • How do you plan to stand out while at your internship?

  • -I think the person I am will stand out. To make sure of that I will always show my face to everyone and look to work and be the one people call on when a extra hand is needed.
  • Do you have a tentative plan for what you’ll do after your internship? If yes, what is it?

  • -Yes, If not hired I will continue to look for a job. Second option would be to work on improving my skills in tech with certifications. Third option is going to pursue scholarships to go back to school and finish my Marketing degree.  

    Thursday, January 5, 2012

    365 Days = Pricelss memories

    Top memories of 2011:
    1. Discovering Year Up
    2. Playing College Basketball
    3. Surviving the Alabama tornadoes
    4. Traveling (LA,Alabama,Atlanta,NY,Maryland)
    5. Laughs with my loving family and friends
    2011, What a year. Quick, but an overall good year, times I will never forget along with great memories brought from my achievements and the people around me. Its funny to think of where you were in life when the year began and to see the transformation in only a short amount of time is amazing. 2012 looks to be a good year not only because of the opportunities year up has provided but because of a new outlook I have on life. 

      Sunday, January 1, 2012

      A year to remember

      Happy New Year to all, 2011 was a nice year I was given many chances to try many new things, and not only that I found a program I fell in love with, Year Up. For the new year holiday I got to spend it with the ones I love the most and counted down a new year with friends, family, and my beloved iPhone keeping up with all my friends an there endeavors throughout the night. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and couldn't be happier with my outing of 2011. Hello 2012.