Sunday, October 30, 2011

More than a game.

Communities come in different ways, this community just happens to have a core of a sport. Basketball, to me it's more than what meets the eye. This sport has been a life lesson for me and the people around me have been vital.
A community has its pieces and so does the basketball community. We as players come together to either work on our game or compete for bragging rights or to win an organized tournament. Basketball is also a way to not only see more of the country when traveling but also meet new people. In my 15 years of playing basketball I've got a different outlook on life because of what I've learned about being a team and work ethic and everyone in the sports or basketball community respects you because they know the work you have put in to work on your craft. The mindset you have on the sport can be applied to many different aspects of life weather it be a project or just being a leader in the community. Basketball is more than a game but a lifestyle.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Building Blocks: Moduel 1

·         High Goals
·         Integrity
·         Professionalism
·         Leadership
·         Participation
·         Blogging
·         Being on time
·         Staying focused with outside distractions
·         Learning from mistakes

·         Time Management
·         Emails
·         Sleep
·         Not doing A+ work always
·         Reoccurring mistakes
·         Grammar in writing
·         More organized

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"The Heart Of The Bay"

     Hayward CA, considered the heart of the bay as the cities motto states, I call it home. Ive lived in this area almost my whole life and it is a place that is dear to me not just for memories but also the fact of all the people i know and the history of the town. I played little league here, Christmas', rode my first bike in the park and learned how to swim all in Hayward and all by the help of people in the community. When i hear the motto "Heart of the bay" i honestly feel that because it has a special place in my heart and is dear to me
     I moved to Hayward at the tender young age of 4. When i began going t school i met life long friends that i still am touch with till this day. I've also grown to be strong person in my community with some of the work I have done as well as volunteer work I have been a part of. My upbringing in this neighborhood was vital to the person I am today, I had a chance to see both sides of tr spectrum wealthy as well as the poor or lower income group.
     I loved growing up in a neighborhood with everything around me. i live across the street from a community college as well as mall. It seemed like i couldn't live in a better place, everything you need in walking distance as well as having a nice swim club down the street was a plus during those hot summer days.
Being able to call Hayward home is something I take pride in it has a little for everyone even with its small space. For people who don't know of Hayward i would encourage them to visit and I'd be glad to show them what is called "the heart of the bay"

Friday, October 14, 2011

A piece of me.

Life is a treasure that I'd like to take full advantage of for the rest of my life. Thus far life has had its ups and downs but after 19 years I still stand. I have plenty of stories I could share but with this post I'll give you a piece of me. At the age of 4 I was adopted. I was lucky enough to be adopted by the greatest lady of all time as I'd say. she not only has had a great influence on me but also has been my best friend. In only 19 years I've been able to accomplish alot id say such as travel the world. Which to me is my greatest accomplishment beside the ability to make other smile. At the age of 13 I lost my brother which was a had thing to deal with but in time it only made me stronger. High school and college have been some of the funnest times in my life not just from a social stand point but as well as a growing as a person. During those times sports were very big to me and still are to this day. In basketball I was known mostly for being able to close out games, i relished in final moments and knowing the game was on the line. Sports where more than just a activity to me it was a chance to build relationships and help my community that supported my passion. I have been very grateful for the talents and skill I have obtained over my short span of living, with them I just want to grow more each and every day. My life has had its ups and downs but the way I look at it is, it's a path to success.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"The Poverty Business"

Recently in Business communications we had an interesting read. "The Poverty business" is what the tittle was and it involved stories of people and their life situations that unfortunately ended them up in poverty, its content really intrigued me. A story of a woman who needed a car for transportation and her many responsibilities had to go into debt with a loan just to get an old car that was bent out of shape. It was touching because I felt her struggle through the words. Big companies such GM, BAC, USB and Blue Hippo were just a few of the names causing a stir in the lower rank communities.In my honest opinion there are some flaws to what these companies do for instance; the companies target either a certain demographic as well as lower income individuals just to make their company more MONEY. Money seems to be there motive and not helping people and bettering the society.
Companies that do these such things are sickening and somehow we as a people should find other ways to support our selves or we will become just another story such like these being taken advantage of and not being educated enough to fight back or to understand that we need other solutions than just taking out loans or dealing with self-indulging corporations. They prey on the poor knowing they are not able to repay that amount due. I feel like they are getting away with crimes by doing this and no way shape or form are helping us or giving us instruction on ways we can use the money we have to the best to our advantage. These companies should not be trusted and we as people should be smarter and educate ourselves on what is going on behind closed doors.
In conclusion, I feel for the people that these “crimes” have happened against and we should find ways around them and assist each other with our finances so that we cannot be in these losing situations that cause stress on us and the people around us. Companies should quit what they are doing and instead of hurt us to their benefit they should help us and relish in that accomplishment instead of having their main focus on themselves, etiology should be used to find a cure of this disease of greed.